

有时, students need a little outside help with their schoolwork. Extra tutoring can provide valuable academic support to students and give them organizational and learning strategies to aid them in overcoming challenges.

There’s absolutely no shame in bringing a tutor into your student’s education. 一些 历史上最聪明的人都有导师.

但是你怎么知道你的学生什么时候需要家教呢? 另外,你如何为你的孩子找一个家庭教师?


In general, there are six signs that could help you identify if your student may need a tutor.

1. 你的学生一直表现不佳.

When grades are not matching up with your student’s potential, then they may be struggling in school and could use extra tutoring. This can be particularly apparent if the student’s grades are slipping in a few subjects or one subject in particular. Outliers like this can make it easier to identify knowledge gaps and the need for additional academic support.

2. 你的学生很难开始做功课.

When something is difficult and not pleasant, what do we typically do? We 拖延. Students often feel the same way about schoolwork when it is difficult and unpleasant for them.

所以它可能不是a 缺乏动力 that is keeping your student from sitting down and getting their work done. 他们可能会感到沮丧. They may know they can do better but just don’t know how. 他们可能会觉得 在学术上不知所措. Some extra tutoring can be the academic support the student needs. 

3. 你的学生没有条理.

一贯的 他们的功课没有条理 may indicate that your student is experiencing academic difficulties.

The disorganization could also be caused by procrastination, which is something that your student and tutor can work on together. Tutors are great for providing students with general organizational and learning strategies for schoolwork.

Constant disorganization may also be symptomatic of a 学习障碍 or 执行功能障碍. 如果是这样的话, then tutoring may be appropriate for helping a student understand these difficulties and for finding ways to work with a student’s challenges. 

4. 你的学生自尊心很低.

Students can experience low self-esteem if they feel they are “bad” at a subject. Yet it’s important for students not to feel that they are doomed to be “bad” at a specific subject, 或者在学校里, 免得他们灰心.

A tutor can help students understand the concepts they are being taught, 给他们单独的关注和时间, and help students develop confidence to tackle their schoolwork. 你很快就能看到转机,这令人惊讶, 不仅在成绩上, 而是在于你的学生如何看待自己. 

5. 你的学生对学习失去了兴趣.

有时, when a student isn’t fully grasping the concepts that they are being taught, it’s easier for them to give up than to redouble their efforts. Your student may need a tutor to help them get refocused. Further, tutors can work at your student’s pace to ensure that they understand and absorb material.

6. 你的学生需要比平时更多的学习帮助.

As a Learning Coach, you make every effort to be there for your student. But, sometimes, you may need a tutor to give your child some additional support. Using a tutor to take on some of your load as a Learning Coach can provide your student with necessary academic support, 尤其是当你 你自己不要有学术技能.

A parent and student using a computer to research 中学生辅导老师.


为小学生找家教, 中学生辅导老师, or tutors for high school students can be challenging, especially finding the right tutor who can meet your student’s needs. 

Here are some things to consider when looking to hire a tutor.


While in-depth subject knowledge in the subject your student is struggling in is great, you should also consider how much experience the tutor has in teaching. Do they know how to implement effective study strategies to address your student’s learning needs? 导师越有经验, the more likely they will be able to identify and adapt to your student’s learning preference. 


Communication is key if you are going to have a successful student-tutor relationship. 确保你选择的导师是有反应的. Also, ask what their policy is on student questions outside of scheduled appointments. Make sure that you are comfortable with a tutor’s policy before you commit.


这是一对一的关系. If your child isn’t onboard with the tutor’s teaching style or personality, 那么这段感情可能注定要失败. 


找家教, explore your local resources like on-demand tutoring services, 学生老师的推荐信, 同学们, 和朋友, 看看辅导网站的在线评论, or reach out to local colleges for students who tutor. 

Your child won’t always tell you when they need help in school. But paying attention to their behaviors can help you get a better understanding of when they are struggling at school and may need a tutor.

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